Once-upon a time there was a boy. When he was a teenager his father told him that he will never have a friend. “I never had a friend myself and neither will you. No one in our family is build for friendships. We were built for helping the world with cataclysmic events like world hunger and wars. And we are meant to be loners.” The boy did not know what are the cataclysmic events (and especially world hunger and wars), but he desperately wanted to have a friend. He dreamed about friendship similar to what David and Jonathan had.
At first he wanted to prove his father that he was capable of being a good friend. But soon it became and obsession. He was ready to please his friends, do for them all he could. He simply wanted to be the best friend for somebody, even if that meant to be somebody else.
Curse of his father was following him were ever he went. Some days he believed that his father was right. He wondered why anyone would want to be with him at all. Then he tried to solve problems of worlds hunger and wars, but he failed at that as well.
So now he is out there some were looking for somebody who would help him to break the curse of his father, and call him best friend.
I think there are so many people around as who are like this boy. We want to belong to something. It is something that you can count on and be sure that you will be there for somebody to help and support. I think that we do not need help, more than that we want to be the help for somebody else. We want to feel like we are needed and that there is somebody in the world who is happy that we are around. But maybe it is not just any random person, may be we want that our friend would need as just as much we need him. Today I did not treat my friend the way I was supposed to. Knowing him he probably won’t care. But in the days like this I fell like boy from this story that desperately is trying to break the curse of his father, but somehow keeps stumbling back into it.