Here I am, lost in a new country . . .

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Foreign guy’s secret identity

My mother taught me the love for stars
My father taught me not to like soccer
My sister made me fall in love with elephants
Because of my brother I studied computers
Andzhejs (my friend from camp) made me love recorder
Because of Tonijs & Janis (my roommates from university) I dislike smoking girls.
Because of Luis (friend from Oregon) I always try to sit on the very back of the buss and prefer pocket watch over wristwatch.
Because of David from Abbotsford I wear only white socks
Because of Carter I learned to love orange juice, pajamas and playing cards
Because of Julie I am learning to enjoy cleaning my room
Because of Whitcombs family I dislike dirty dishes in the sink.
Because of McPhail family I will always keep my home open fro foreigners and strangers
Because of Story family from Denmark I believe in wise women
Because of Mara I want to learn to listen
Because of Professor Knudson I respect Lutherans
I was thinking is there anything that is truly me but not just somebody who likes things because people I love like them.
This is the thing that I like for no reason – red color. This is the thing that I dislike for not reason – germs.
Isn’t it sad that I am formed out of other people’s likes and dislikes?
Or is it normal?


Blogger Trevor said...

I think its great. We are not meant to be an island. I think we learn a lot about who we are from other people. I think God designed us that way.

2:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to agree. If not shaped by others, we would have no shape at all!

9:16 PM

Blogger Kim said...

I agree too, but I have no addendums because these two pretty much said all I wanted to say. Lets just say, "ditto".

9:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And isn't it sad that somebody is formed out of your's likes and dislikes?! Have you ever thought about it?.. :)
- Is it normal?
- I think, it's LIFE!
To my mind, working with people, being close with them in relationships, being friends, - it's also means being influenced and formed by their thoughts, characters, likes and dislikes...
Of course there's one more question: who's likes and dislikes are you formed of?!
For example, it's just WONDERFUL being influenced by likes and dislikes of such a friend as JESUS!
Dasha :)

8:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a very good thing, you see something that connects with your heart in someone else and you embrace it! And solomon said 'there is nothing new under the sun' has all be thought of before, but that's ok.

11:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that your identity is from other people but it is also determined by your own choice. If I was just a product of the people around me then I would be hopelessly addicted to Coronation Street on T.V. which I actually hate with a passion. I would also love Nirvana, cottage cheese and other foods beginning with the letter 'c'. These influences come from my family and friends. But I still am able to choose to dislike these things.
My mom said to me during the holidays that I am the person I am because it is who I have made myself to be. I still think that her actions as a mother shaped me in a certain direction but I either chose to follow her or not.
You can expose me to dipped ice cream cones and then I will choose to like them or not.
If it was up to me, Dennis, you would like dancing. But you don't. So I won't make you.

12:48 PM


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