Here I am, lost in a new country . . .

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Thunder Bay report Day # 3

Have you ever noticed how people are introduced to each other? First you say a name of a person and then usually you say something about this person. For example: this is Mike, I know him from college; this is John, he is a doctor in the crazy house; this is Alice, she is my girlfriend. What they say about you is what they think about you as something that tells who you are. This week I have been introduced to at least 17 people most often they say, “Hey, this is Dennis, he is from Latvia”. They do not say this is my friend or this is photo model I know, this is my buddy from college, or this is somebody who just would not leave or this is the foreigner who does our dishes (just like in Hollywood). I want to be known as more then just this exotic thing with goofy accent. But hey this is life at least they keep me around I should not complain.
P. S. I could tell you a lot about all the things we did and places we visited, but there are so many of them I would not bother anybody with that. This I found to be more interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


you are exotic, that is for sure...I think that if I introduced you it would be 'this is Dennis, I go to school with him and he is one of the smartest people I know, and he makes a great soy latte'

6:10 PM


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