Here I am, lost in a new country . . .

Friday, December 09, 2005

Canada report # 15

There are couple people who take the same bus with me every morning. Today I was talking to one of them and told her that this is my last early morning ride this year. So we talk some more and before we went our own ways se said to me, “Happy holidays!”
Latter downtown I noticed the store that had a huge Santa on the window and big sing that said, “Seasonal greetings!” Canadians talk about holiday’s trees, winter holidays and other things around this time of year.
Even if you Canadians do not believe that Jesus is the Lord, why do you pretend that this celebration has nothing to do with this man? You remember people who died for the country in the war during Remembrance Day, but somehow you forget the man in whose name your country was started and for so many years run. It almost like on this planet people are ashamed of their history. I am not saying that you should pretend to belong to the religion you do not agree with. However I think it is hypocritical to pretend that this season is not about this weird Jew that changed the world forever.
I am aware that you all know this but you need to know that that is not happening everywhere yet this is the beginning of something scary and dark.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to concur, fully.

1:38 PM


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