Here I am, lost in a new country . . .

Monday, October 31, 2005

Canada report # 4

Canadians - their kids turn in to adults but adults turn in to kids (at least once a year)
Halloween is the most bizarre Canadian holiday I know (maybe Labor day could be an exception, because how do you celebrate labor day, by not working? But some other time about that)
So on Halloween kids become so seriously obsessed with the plans of dressing up and impressing others that you would have a hard time believing that they are still kids. They prepare for this night like entire destiny of human kinds depends of the outcome of this candy hunt. Even if they do not like candy they will still strive to get a lots of this sweet currency. "Trick or treat" becomes the national anthem of the entire population of these little creatures. The invasion begins and the day of the rule of these little monsters begins. Finally they look exactly who they are or who they want to become.
However most amusing is to observe the adults. Some become more obsessed about camouflaging their children then children themselfs. Secrets of unfulfilled childhood dreams are coming out and excitement grows in eager expectation to hear this magical, "Trick or treat!"
Even those who do not like this holiday do no like it with passion worthy to be nominated as the prepuberty attitude of the year.
Anyhow, being an alien, it is most amusing and yet almost sad to observe all this lunatic madness. Sad not for them, but sad for me not being infected by this mysterious sickness called Halloween.
Canadians - one night a year they are out of this world.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Halloween costume idea – inspired by Calgary Herald

This is what you do.
Paint spray yourself all black and call it the Black Hole costume. If somebody says that your costume sucks, hey it means that it is working.

Do you have any great ideas?

Friday, October 28, 2005

Canada report # 3

Canadians - people of contradictions
They talk a lot about being healthy, however they eat unhealthy and do not exercise (not many of them at least).
They are very friendly yet very lonely.
Their know how to smile yet they keep doing it even when they do not feel like it.
They ask, "How are you doing?", but would not stop and listen to my "I am fine."
They are proud to be a Canadians and not patriotic at the same time.
They know how to say "no", but still would take time to help you.
They are mature and jet so silly.
Canadians - they drive me craze but it is impossible not to love them.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Canada report # 2

Canadians – people with the compass.
Couple days ago I was rereading my job descriptions. It said, “…place remaining chairs at the west wall.” How do I know which is the west wall? All direction that Canadians give has something to do with west, north, south or east. The locations in the mall, the direction of the buses, the way they describe were they are. How can one always know which way is the north? I think that they can read stars even in the middle of the day. No country in Europe that I know of does it. Once somebody asked me if this buss goes south or west, I had to think for a very long time. I think that person still thinks that I was on drugs.
Canadians – people of supernatural sense of direction.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Today I was contemplating on me being so happy. Why is my life at this period of existence so great? Certainly I am blest by God, but which blessings make the most difference? I think it is you my friends. School, church, work and life in general are much better if there are such a great people around as you guys. Thank you so much! I hope I can be at least a part of this blessing for you as you are for me.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Canada report # 1

Canadians – nation of many faces, habits and attitudes, some of them nice and sweet but some just hard to understand. Today, for example, I came to college with tie. Most of Canadians noticed (which is not a bad thing), however many ask for occasion, some even laugh. Why does one needs to have an occasion to wear a tie? I do not think that they have noticed how casual they have become. It is not a bad thing to be able to be casual, but is it good if proper closing becomes inappropriate? I was raised with a knowledge that one day every mature adult man will have to wear a tie and weather I liked to do that or not sooner or later I will have to accept it. It is ok in Canada to for guys to come to college in pink pans, and pyjama, but if one shows up wearing tie, people do not understand it. Is it wrong to like to dress up, even if I do not have an occasion? Friends, next time I will decide to wear a tie, please ignore it, and by doing that you will help me feeling more at home.