Here I am, lost in a new country . . .

Friday, August 03, 2007

Canada report # 35

I have never been a big fan of drive through. Eating meal with a friend is bigger of a deal for me then for most of Canadians.
Last week Rusty and I made an exception to our rules and went through the drive through.
First of all, if you are as good of a driver as I am, stopping close enough to the ordering window is a challenge in itself. But once I made it there this noise spoke to me saying either “Welcome to TimHorton’s; can I take your order?” or “One moment please”. You might think that these two sentences are distinct enough that one will not be sitting there in a car pondering which one was just said to him, well think again. Then the speaker buzzed again. This time I could actually understand, “what can I get for you today?’
(It always freaked me out that I don’t know how they know that I am there waiting for them, but some other time about that.)
I gave my order and was very proud of myself for messing up the selection only once. You might think that one will not try to order Wendy’s sandwich at TimHortons, well think again.
Anyhow the funny part begun when I had to pay for it. You see, Rusty is a good but very low car. Most of the drives through windows in Alberta are built for vans and trucks. But my rusty’s antenna hardly reaches the window. So her I am, looking like a midget in the furniture store. For a while it seemed that girl will tip over the windowsill as she was trying to give me my order. When it came to paying it was even funnier. I had to step out of the car to give her money, but I am too close to open the door. Anyhow, simple visit to drive though turned into this exercise of gymnastics.
Who said that donuts are bad for you?


Blogger Ashley said...

It's in the name . . . "do nots" . . . but I think the ones from Tim Horton's are an exception!

10:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a solution. When we need to put new tires on Rusty, we'll get some of the huge "mudders" and raise the axles. You should be right at home with you're new vision from Rusty!

6:19 PM

Blogger ~m said...

sigh. i miss you. maybe i'll just keep saying that over and over.

6:35 PM


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