Canada report # 24
Today I was exposed to Canadian dentistry!
Volume # 1
You can not imagine what an incredible experience it is. First of all there is no open space for at least couple weeks. (You might think that either all Canadians have bad teeth or no one wants to be a dentist) But once you do get an appointment first 15 minutes of it you spend filling in the forms. They ask about everything, my personal favorite is: Do you grind you teeth at night? I guess only Canadians can take notice of what they do when they are unconscious. Then next 15 minutes you spend unswerving some question that dentist’s assistant has for you. After 3 questions you realize that you have heard these questions some were, but were? After 3 more questions you realize that these are the questions from the form that you just filed in. At first you think that she can not read, but then you also notice that she is taking some notes, so she can read? I guess Canadian dentist want to absolutely sure that I am not afraid of needles.
Then the doctor walks in and sits down. She picks up your form and the notes that the nurse just took. She looks at me and says, “Are you allergic to any medication?” You gone be kidding? I think to myself. But she is a doctor she knows what she is doing. Next 15 minutes you feel like you either are an idiot or you are on some secret camera comedy show. Finally the question and answer time is over and you think that now you will be asked to open your mouth and she will fix you. But not in Canada!!!!
- To be continued -