Here I am, lost in a new country . . .

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Canadian report # 28

Things do not appear the way they are!
Even though I have been in this country for almost 2 years I still have a hard time figuring those Canadians out.

  • when they are really glad to see you and when they are just being nice
  • when they really want to help you out when you ask them and when they just feel bad saying no
  • when they ask you “how are you” when do they really care when is it just an expression
  • when they act all cool and confident but really are lonely and desperate for help
  • when they are joking and when they are serious

Some how when you grow up with people you learn to read them better. Not that people on my planet are not confusing some how their confusiness makes more sense than Canadian confusiness


Blogger Kim said...

I don't know where you got that picture from, but in Chapters there are two books called Imagine a Night and Imagine a Day, and they are full of images like that. It's incredible!

11:13 PM

Blogger ~m said...

i think it's complicated by the fact that you're around Christians a lot . . . 'cause they feel the need to be "nice" even when they don't like you.

10:00 AM


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